12th International Legal Metrology Conference

39th Meeting of the International Committee of Legal Metrology

Berlin, 24-29 October 2004

Last-Minute Meeting Information
This page contains last-minute information concerning the Berlin meetings.

** Last updated: Wednesday 20 October 2004 **



Paper documents

Due to the extremely large number of Delegates expected to attend the meetings (up to 240 people) we are only able to provide one set of paper documents per Country for the Conference. Any Delegations requiring more than one set of papers for the Conference are kindly requested to bring them along to the meeting.

No paper documents will be available for the CIML Meeting.

All documents are published here for the Conference and here for the CIML Meeting.


Ramada Hotel capacity Due to the extremely large number of Delegates expected to attend the meetings, the Ramada Hotel is now full. However, an alternative hotel is available; please contact the German Organizing Committee for details.


Venue/room changes There is one venue change and some time changes to the schedule. The updated version can be viewed here: Schedule


List of Participants (CIML & Conference) A list of Delegates registered is now available. Please check your country's Delegation composition and send an e-mail to biml@oiml.org if any corrections are required. PDF Attendance List (No. 1)


Conf Documents Documents for Conference Items 3.1 & 4.1 uploaded here


CIML Documents Documents for CIML Items 6.1 & 6.2 uploaded here


Conf Documents Documents for Conference Item 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 & 5.4 uploaded here


List of Participants (CIML & Conference) An updated list of Delegates registered is now available. Please check your country's Delegation composition and send an e-mail to biml@oiml.org if any corrections are required. PDF Attendance List (No. 2)


CIML Documents Documents for CIML Items 6.3, 10 & 13.1 in French uploaded here


Conf Documents Documents for Conference Items 3.1,  5  and 6.1 in English and French uploaded here


CIML Documents Documents for CIML Item 5.1 in English and French uploaded here


Schedule Time changes to the schedule. The updated version can be viewed here: Schedule


Development Council Agenda The Development Council Agenda can be viewed here: Agenda


List of Participants (CIML & Conference) The final updated list of Delegates registered is now available. PDF Attendance List (No. 3)


Conf Documents Documents for Conference Item 6.1 (Annexes) in English and French uploaded here


CIML Documents Documents for CIML Item 6.1 & 6.2 in French uploaded here